A study on treatment using the Ariel method

Body-oriented treatment methods, i.e. - teaching the body to acquire structured movement and postures, unlike the existing habit, have been studied for their effectiveness in the treatment of pain and psychosomatic diseases and mental problems such as neurosis, trauma, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders, and depressive states

A relatively young and promising field in psychology, which focuses on the awareness and liberation of the body, knowing its biological and social reactions while discovering the body's primary impulses and working on new states of consciousness that take the body out of its rigid state and the limited mobility that the modern western man has adapted to himself, sitting for long periods in front of screens, at work and at home, hours Long periods of sitting in the car, and the race of life leading to high-level stress situations on the one hand and a reduction in physical activity and the need for physical movement on the other, all these situations together create "strains" that the body develops and dissolves as a disease

The development of body-oriented therapy was greatly influenced by the analytical psychology of Carl Jung according to the understanding that a body without a soul means nothing to us just like taking the point of view of the soul - the soul cannot mean anything without the body
Jung realized that artistic experiences, or in his words, "active imagination" which is expressed for example in dance, can extract unconscious drives and needs from the "unconscious" and make them available for release and bring them into a conscious state, "the mind and body are not separate entities but one life, and the same, Therefore he drew his ideas from a combination of Eastern teachings and their development, adaptation and presentation in the West

Returning the body to the sense of freedom of children. With the understanding that during childhood, mobility is the most relaxed, working with muscle movement patterns that help a person find the most effective way to motivate and eliminate unnecessary muscle tension and ineffective patterns that have become a habit over the years with puberty
Feldenkrais exercises start small and expand between workouts in order to develop lightness and freedom of movement in all parts of the body. Learning about how the body works, the trainee must take responsibility for himself in order to overcome bad habits in the use of the body. To let loose, play and experiment with movement to learn something new
During stress, tension and rush of life, there is a repetition of wrong patterns inherent in the body
These exercises break down the seemingly simple actions into a series of related movements in order to identify the old pattern, train and assimilate new habits and a more efficient way to perform the same action with minimal physical effort, understanding the way the body works and balancing the function of the cerebral cortex, reducing arousal and creating new combinations of movements that were unknown to the muscles when the barriers are present and the muscles are occupied
Also in his lesson, Feldenkrais spoke about the self-image, the movement, the feeling and the thought, with the relationship between these components being different in different actions and from person to person
In his opinion, a person must move, feel and think and in the absence of one of these stages a critical blockage develops. But it takes a lot of effort to change the habit of movement

Wilhelm Reich
A psychoanalyst who believed that a person's character includes a constant defense system, chronic clamps blocking three basic emotional states
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Sexual arousal
All body-oriented psychotherapeutic methods of subsequent developers, such as Alexander, Feldenkrais, Lowen, Rolf, Dr. Toby Browning's The Power of Softness and others, are all based on Reich's conclusions that the muscles and consciousness work on the same plane and require release to allow the body to move freely and overcome on these barriers whether consciously or subconsciously
These intense emotions prevent the person from opening up and block the energy, because the emotional protective shell does not allow the person to experience strong emotions, limits and distorts emotional expressions that do not disappear because they are not fully exhausted

Due to the "muscle clamps" a nickname given to those blockages, distorting and destroying natural sensations suppressing sexual feelings, intensifying anxiety and anger which lowers the tolerance levels for stressful situations and increases the chance of physiological morbidity
Therefore, according to Reich, the release of chronic tensions, which block the energy flows, allows the opening of the restrictions and the expression of the emotions, the senses, the untying of certain muscles, restriction of breathing and other symptoms. Only after the barriers are released is it possible to bring improvement over time, otherwise there will be a fixation or "muscle armor" of the patient for a long time and a worsening of both the physical and the mental state
Reich discovered that with the opening of the "armor" patients have the opportunity to live a full life and this opening in its professional name in the world of psychotherapy is called

According to Frederick Mathias Alexander, an Australian actor who lost his voice and following his problem, developed a method for prolonged self-observation, and arrived at a series of teaching integrated movements based on a relationship with himself - a kind of conversation between the head and the spine in fixed formulas
However, the movements involve gradual and gentle guidance and control over the effective use of body posture in small movements. The therapist gives the patient active relaxation in a way that combines sitting, standing and walking, as well as sitting in front of the desk, in order to teach the body proper posture and movement in the various situations of everyday life
However, not all patients connect to this type of treatment that requires learning, understanding and discipline, some find it difficult to perform physiological actions due to pain or other limitations, and also the self-discipline of practice and progress in measured steps, p.m. to bring about achievements that have a significant solution over time, is not suitable and accessible for each patient

Bioenergetic psychotherapy by Luan Alexander
Investigating the functions of the body in relation to visibility from the mind
Personality and character are expressed in the appearance of the physical structure and movements. The purpose of bio energy is to reconnect the mind and body and thus to get rid of the obstacles that prevent the body from spontaneity from this tension
A healthy person has a connection with the earth and enjoys life, in the patient's body there is no free flow of energy, it is driven by physical stiffness and is reflected in muscle contraction and the creation of increased tension and the attack of these centers by the autoimmune diseases
Treatment with this method provides relief through certain exercises and postures aimed at unblocking these areas - releasing the centers of tension
An important component of this method of bioenergy is the study of the body's grounding and fusion with nature, understanding the physical, emotional and intellectual processes of man
But this method has a requirement for the patient to connect to the concept of connection with nature and an intellectual ability in a definition that can contain the knowledge of the method in order to contribute and bring about change while persisting in the practice, to see results and open the blockages

The foundation of this method lies in the stages of human development as a fetus in the womb, the fluctuations in the uterine fluid during pregnancy, during the mother's breathing when the water moves the pulse at a constant rate of the heartbeat and after the birth the initial isol, close to the chest of the caregiver, during breastfeeding, feeding, and the soothing movements
The treatment is carried out inside or outside a pool of water, using hammocks and similar aids
The therapist is close to the patient during the entire training, shaking him to the rhythm of breathing as the patient experiences the feeling of the womb and returns to his initial being

Ida Rolfe had an idea for structural integration, a sort of valve, a direct physical intervention for psychological changes in personality, inspired by Reich's concept
According to her, a well-functioning body remains straight and vertical with minimal energy expenditure, despite the force of gravity, but with the effect of pressure, it begins to distort and succumb under gravity. The most difficult changes occur in the connective membrane that covers the muscles - the fascia
Structural integration, a system that seeks to return the body to the right position and along the right lines, through deep and painful stretches, work on certain parts of the body, work on the muscles releases old memories and contributes to the discharge of deep emotions
The aim of the treatment is mainly physical, the psychological aspects are not the center of attention, therefore additional methods of growth must also be incorporated to bring effective treatment

The combination of the psychosomatic insights that prevent the patient from getting rid of physiological problems due to the presence of emotional barriers, which cause physiological diseases and are expressed in different ways.
The bed, as an advanced stage of the theory of the power of softness, moves the internal fluids of the entire body and without human contact allows patients to move into a state of deep relaxation, without the need for physical, mental, verbal or intellectual effort, the patient lies during the entire treatment in silence, or accompanied by preferred music And the bed moves him at a rhythm adapted to him, under the control of an application, which directs the desired speed of movement by simply connecting to an electrical outlet and minimal activation with the help of the application that can be activated on the smartphone
The movements are regular and do not require contact or intervention by a staff member, treatments can be performed for several people at the same time depending on the number of beds, the space of the treatment room and the number of patients
The patient enters a state of theta waves about 5-7 minutes from the beginning of the treatment to the end, and ends the cycle without the need to change a word or use conscious or acquired techniques
The staff is available for tests of non-invasive indicators during the treatment and there is no need for the presence of several staff members during the treatment or physical efforts on their part
The patient's body structure is not important because an average to high weight can be placed on the bed and it is also possible to place only one organ, for example only legs and still obtain the optimal and maximum efficiency of the treatment because the body moves and all the fluids move inside it
The treatments are done fully clothed and are not revealing or invasive and are therefore suitable for all sectors and in a gender combination without the need for a separate space for this purpose
The bed is mobile and can be rented if desired and needed, to allow the patient to come 2-3 times a day and he is not required to go to a ward or a specific treatment place
It is also possible to combine additional manual treatments during the treatments, such as reflexology, and other areas according to the patient's preferences and the knowledge of the on-site therapists.
People who feel a low pain threshold are not required to perform exercises or effort, they lie comfortably with the support of pillows and drive at a rhythm adapted to them and according to their optimal feeling. Positions can be changed during the treatment for the comfort of the patient in any way that suits him for maximum comfort
Patients who speak different languages or have verbal or emotional difficulties, who do not feel the desire or need to speak, are not required to speak or transcribe their feelings during or after the treatment, they enter a "sleep" state and wake up after turning off the movements at the end of the treatment
There is no need for stimulation or conscious memory of the blocking factor, the movements that move the internal water, like an image of waves eroding stone and dissolving obstacles that stand in their way, therefore there is no need for the mixing of consciousness, the relaxation is obtained from the very movement
The IFREE bed is intended for routine care as routine maintenance, as a stimulant in situations of fatigue during the day, in situations of body pain, muscle pain, bone pain, fibromyalgia, and more, maternity before and after birth, with or without babies, physically ill, mental conditions, anxiety, hyperactivity, sexual arousal , relationship strengthening, emotional strengthening, emotional and mental rehabilitations of various types and more

According to all the R.M. studies, it is very important to treat the emotional level alongside the physiological treatments of diseases that arise or create barriers in the body as a result of poor routine conduct, exposure to stressful situations during the routine or during particularly stressful periods, each method and each researcher directs the treatment according to his perception and understanding to the source of the problem
The treatment methods are many and different and correspond to both the spirit of the key and the spirit of the period in which it developed
Today there is a great wealth of insights, practices and therapists whose aim is to facilitate and help and the technological side also has a considerable addition and their combination for optimal adjustment has the power to bring many people health and a quality of life physically, mentally, emotionally and thus improve the balances for the entire population

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